HTML/CSS: create a Sign Up and Log In page using HTML and CSS: HTML CODE: Sign Up co…
HTML/CSS Style the Nav bar using flex box: What is flex box in css? Flexbox is a powe…
How to do internet speed test using python : Python Internet Speed Project: code: fr…
How to Build A Website Blocker With Python | Website Blocker Python Project: code: imp…
Digital Clock : using python: code: import tkinter as tk import time # Function to upd…
Hand written Assignment using python: code: from tkinter import * from tkinter impor…
Voice Translator 🔊 using Python Codes: code: import googletrans import speech_recogn…
Google Translator Using Python - Python Language Translation: If you know basic Pyth…
Typing Speed Test Python Project | Typing Speed Game for Beginners: You will be abl…
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